Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So I had a great idea

On my build to survive server, I go around, killing people and building things that will kill people. So I was thinking, why not a cloaking device. Why not create an E2 chip to allow me to turn invisible while I'm in battle or just to get around without being seen (to an extent of course). So I did, the predator material did me very well for this considering you can see it at a close range, but at long ranges it's invisible. Eventually, I got around to the idea and I wrote out a nooby E2 chip that'll have you turn invisible with the push of a button, or a Numpad.

@name Cloaking
@inputs Value

Basically, you MUST have an incoming value of either 1 or 0. If not, this chip wont work. :3 have fun!
edit: Wow well I really screwed up that E2 while I was writing it. Anyway, the thing is guaranteed to work, if not you can hit me over the head with it.

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